When I woke up, there were several emails in my inbox, and the messages were all the same. I quickly clicked over to wim to read the story....the horror story, and the pictures....omg. John's Orange Walk compound had burned to the ground. Gone. All contents destroyed. Every article I read says it was simply a wildfire that got out of control before the fire department could respond. Really? It was burning away madly, then crossed a road, entered his property, and demolished 3 structures, but no one saw it before it was too late? No one called the fire department before it got out of control? I for one, do not believe it was an accident, but was instead an act of 'someone's' insane, over-the-top, desperate attempt to scar JM's life even further. There was a deal to sell this property, which apparently would have been finalized in days, thus giving John some closure from the nightmare Belize became...........a deal that 'someone' obviously didn't want him to realize. This whole thing stinks.....and not like smoke.

What a gorgeous
it was ...
The argument has been made on wim that Belize has been plagued with wildfires due to lack of rain, 'just like California' this person said. Okay, when I search California wildfires, there are hundreds of articles, with dates and locations and pictures of damage. When I do the same for Belize, there is no mention of wildfires, in any paper or other source I could find. One of the NASA sites had a satellite photo from March 24th, 2013, of wildfires in Central America (primarily Mexico), and Belize did have several fires then....but that's it. The only current article about a wildfire in Belize has to do with John's loss. So, until I see links to dated articles, showing wildfires in the Carmelita area before JM's home was torched, I call bullshit on the wildfire theory. Sorry.
It's pretty hard to miss the disdain for JM in the first sentence of the channel 5 article, written as though the author believes he represents the sentiments of the entire country....
"John McAfee – now there’s a name you probably never wanted to hear again…but you will, because early this afternoon two large wooden houses on his gated compound in Carmelita in the Orange Walk district went up in flames."
Wow. Nice to see the media being so responsible and compassionate.....I'm sure the power of suggestion works very well in an under-educated country. Was that sentence thrown in to muddy the waters and deflect suspicion away from 'someone' ? To have people think that anyone could have been angry enough at JM to do this? I think not. It takes a special breed of psycho to wait months for the perfect moment and execute a plan they've been patiently waiting to bring to fruition. I can think of 3 such psychos in JM's life, each one of them equally irrational, and capable of carrying out such a heinous crime. I bet they all read this blog too.......BOO-YAH
The truth is, no amount of speculation about who? what? how? why? or wtf? is going to bring John's property back to what it was before Thursday afternoon. No matter how we look at it, regardless of who or what we think was responsible for the fire......once again, John has lost a part of his past. Selling his home and knowing someone else would be able to enjoy the tropical paradise (his labor of love), is far removed from having it go up in flames, never to be seen or enjoyed again. They say timing is everything, and this reeks of a well planned and well executed attack on John from someone who has an ax to grind.... not unlike a final "fuck-you" or 'last word' in a childish fight. Except JM wasn't fighting. And he wasn't out there talking about selling his property either....which is just another reason to believe it was 'someone' who had all the information, and knew what was happening and when. Yes, something really stinks with this one. It's very sad.
**Look.....is the MSM coverage starting? Maybe.....
like when you have that nagging feeling of impending doom, or a knot in the pit of your stomach, but no real reason why? Well that was me on Thursday. I didn't know what it was exactly, but I knew there was something. Despite being busy with multiple projects, the feeling kept creeping back, overshadowing everything else I was doing. Quite frankly, it was annoying.....primarily because I couldn't figure out the source. After a round of 'call the family & friends' there was still no explanation for my ominous thoughts. I was extremely perplexed.............WTF was going on? I obviously needed some sleep.
ReplyDeleteOh Oh! Pick my answer! You have Bi-Polar Disorder and aren't taking your medication.
Deleteha ha ha Deany boy, I'm not the one they fed anti-psychotics to for 2 weeks, for no apparent reason.
Your explanation of your criminal history is hilarious, by the way. Maybe you should be shopping that around instead of trying to extort money for a domain name no one wants.
Hey Capt,
ReplyDeleteThought (hoped) you got lost at sea.