HAIL TO THE CHIEF............
Sunday, November 17, 2013
നധ McAFEE WEEKLY......Conversations with John
HAIL TO THE CHIEF............
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Tune in tonight to hear John's take on the Healthcare fiasco. "Obamascare" on The John Stossel Show, 9 PM EST. Don't want to miss it.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
POLICE AND THIEVES...................
I love the TMZ show, and thank them for bringing this story to my attention. The esteemed (GAG) leader of Belize, Dean Barrow is in Los Angeles for a couple of weeks. Why? Well, it's really a personal vacation, yet likely at the full expense of Belize.... in one way or another. Apparently, there was an 'invitation' from a group of Belizeans in L.A. for him to speak at an event (a good enough excuse to charge the trip), but he and his wife are really in the United States seeking medical attention. Again. This time it's Dean, and something to do with his back. Hmmmmm.....Great Country you run, Dean. Last time it was your wife in Miami. What's wrong with all the Doctors in your wonderful Belize?Some of the comments I found show that Belizeans already know the problem...... but Dean, you're making it clear to the outside world that you have no faith in your own medical system....and you don't care, either. As long as the privileged can continue to travel wherever, and get the care they need, that's all that matters. Mass population be damned.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Just in case anyone reading this blog is interested in what became of the effort to find a charity to provide school uniforms to needy students in Belize , this is what happened. We started out thinking this would be easy, first mistake. We didn't have a contact in Belize. But we have the Internet so we thought we could just research the idea and find an easy answer. We didn't. What we found were road blocks and stone walls. Many of the larger charitable organizations have either left Belize or were never there.
Monday, August 19, 2013
LOOK BOTH WAYS...........
I’ve looked at John McAfee from both sides now…
From up and down and still somehow… I really don’t know John McAfee at all, or do I?
I, along with many of you, have been riding this crazy train of the John McAfee Saga since it began on that fateful day in November. For me it began like any other day, at my computer. While scrolling through the top headlines on Huffington Post, there it was, the wanted poster. As I clicked the link I could almost hear Ozzy yelling…
I’ve looked at John McAfee from both sides now…
From up and down and still somehow… I really don’t know John McAfee at all, or do I?
I, along with many of you, have been riding this crazy train of the John McAfee Saga since it began on that fateful day in November. For me it began like any other day, at my computer. While scrolling through the top headlines on Huffington Post, there it was, the wanted poster. As I clicked the link I could almost hear Ozzy yelling…
Saturday, August 3, 2013
NO SLEEP........
Greetings all. It feels like forever since I've had a chance to do this. So much has been going on, but it's all good. Recently I was asked to be part of an amazing project, and thrilled at the opportunity, I got right to work. Of course, I jumped in with both feet and fell flat on my face, lol but I got back up and started again. I was thrilled when I got a thumbs up, and now that I'm over the 'learning curve', I should have more time for wimawiw.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
നധ WHERE IS McAFEE WEEKLY?............
They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions...... and I'd just like to say 'hello' from that hot flaming street. Despite my best efforts, circumstances have put the publishing of this week's installment of MW behind....obviously not what anyone wanted, but shit happens. I can tell you that some of what John and I talked about will give a much desired update on some of our favorite people, but that's all the hints for now. Thanks for being patient, I will get this posted for you ASAP.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
McAFEE WEEKLY......................
~ Who's watching who? ~
![]() |
image by Hawk of the Night |
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
JM DOES CAVUTO.............
Catch John today with Neil Cavuto on Fox.
JM opened, and talked with Neil for the first half of the show. He looked and sounded great, spot on as they say. I especially liked the quick reply when NC asked how much he was worth.... " well, how much are you worth, sir? " Bazinga... lol. I actually like Neil Cavuto, think he's a pretty decent guy with a non-fox like style ~ and an actual sense of humor, that worked well with John's. I certainly appreciated that he took the time to touch on a variety of subjects, and that he didn't try to rush or interrupt JM's answers. Kudos NC. It must have been refreshing for John too, to be able to finish a sentence. ;)
The entire interview is at whoismcafee , and certainly worth watching.
Monday, June 24, 2013
McAFEE WEEKLY.........................Special Guest
Having John in Montreal last week, filming the Documentary Who is McAfee, provided an excellent opportunity to talk with someone else who is a big part of his life....
Monday, June 17, 2013
McAFEE WEEKLY...........Conversations with John
~ The Joker ~

uncontrollable laughter, because something is so funny you have no other choice? The rolling on the floor, glad you're not old enough to worry about an 'accident', make it stop....my belly hurts, laughter? It's one of my favorite things to do, and I love being around funny people. Laughter is purifying for the soul, and should be done on a regular basis to keep our psyche's well lubricated. As the the youngest of 5 educated, well mannered, loud, funny and creative children (my mom made me say that), I had no choice but to find my niche early on. Art? Loved it always.... my Grandfather was an artist, so it runs in the genes, and I'm one of the lucky ones to whom it comes fairly naturally. That doesn't mean I think I'm Picasso, it just means that I am capable....anyone who has tried any art medium knows what I'm talking about. I still paint regularly, and find it one of the most relaxing and gratifying things I do. Sports?
Friday, June 14, 2013
CH~CH~CH~CHANGES..............and JM as you've never heard him.
Some people love living a life full of changes.....often celebrating the opportunities, while others dread the mere mention of any deviation from their comfortable routine.....often living in fear of it. Most of us are somewhere in the middle.....we may not want too many changes, but we're fully aware they happen anyway, and have learned to roll with them. Most changes are already in 'full swing' by the time we find out about them anyway, so stress and worry are futile. However, I also know some changes are cool .......like this one :
Monday, June 10, 2013
McAFEE WEEKLY...........conversations with John
LOVE THE ONE YOU'RE WITH............................parts 1 & 2 are now together.
Friday, June 7, 2013
McAFEE WEEKLY.........conversations with John
parts 1 & 2
parts 1 & 2
നധ It was only week two, so I was still anxious. Waiting for John's email, I pondered the possible topics. There was certainly no shortage in my mind of things to talk about, but this week I was hoping JM would take the opportunity to pick something that was important to him. Last week had been such a blast, and hearing his laughter and the enjoyment he got reminiscing about the Sky Gypsy days had me hoping for more of the same. I opened the email and smiled..... this was going to be enlightening to say the least. JM had made a decision, and I was completely game......although a little concerned about having enough questions to ask..... well, momentarily anyway.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
TEASE ME........
Never having been a fan of the 'teasers' that run rampant in much of our media, I have always tried to avoid using them myself......... UNTIL NOW buhahaha.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Have you ever felt psychic? No, not psychotic, lol, and maybe not even psychic so much as intuitive?........like when you have that nagging feeling of impending doom, or a knot in the pit of your stomach, but no real reason why? Well that was me on Thursday. I didn't know what it was exactly, but I knew there was something. Despite being busy with multiple projects, the feeling kept creeping back, overshadowing everything else I was doing. Quite frankly, it was annoying.....primarily because I couldn't figure out the source. After a round of 'call the family & friends' there was still no explanation for my ominous thoughts. I was extremely perplexed.............WTF was going on? I obviously needed some sleep.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
6 months ago the only McAfee in my world was the AV 'stuff' protecting my computers, (doing a fine job btw). Sure, I knew he was a real person, but thoughts of 'him' weren't a regular occurrence......hell, I barely gave the program any thought, never mind the man. Little did I know, a few days later, how much the TV, running in the background of my normal life, would impact me and my world with such an unprecedented, intense, often mind-blowing journey. It was a list of firsts......a hair-raising cat and mouse chase playing out live on our computers, a Master of Marketing playing the MSM right under their noses, and blogging from detention - whether as John or Harold - all generated by McAfee ingenuity......the name we knew, the man we didn't..........yet. A wild trip indeed, and I didn't even have to pack. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Monday, May 6, 2013
BRAND NEW DAY.........
There was a certain rush I got when JM landed in Miami. We had traveled so far with him...... invested ourselves somehow in his safe return to America, and it felt like a huge win. I've been waiting to feel that rush again. It didn't happen immediately upon reading that George Jung would be writing John's biography, No Domain, but a bit of research on George, and another viewing of Blow made me realize it's amazing potential...... I'm excited now.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
The new website dedicated to finding Justice for Jeffrey (Furgala) got me thinking. Just how many murders and suspicious deaths have there been in Belize since November 2012, and how many of them have been solved? How many other foreigners have been victims? When is the International community going to stop visiting Belize and demand accountability for their shady (at best) actions? .......I say BOYCOTT BELIZE NOW.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
MAD WORLD........
It's taken almost 24 hours for me to even look at this page. Now, 48 hours after some mentally deranged lunatic(s) fractured the memory of The Boston Marathon, and crushed countless lives, putting words down is still rough. Like so many of you, my heart is broken.....scattered in pieces that have landed in the puddles of tears I'm wading through.
***update 4-19***
***update 4-19***
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
PERCEPTION IS REALITY............guest post by SL
This phrase is attributed to Lee Atwater (Google is your friend) though there are many variations of it that occurred before him. This phrase, as simple as it is, sums up the latest chapter in John McAfee's life, and also in parallel, Belize. Many perceptions of the past were perceived to be reality and have since been dis-proven with facts, ie: "the world is flat".
Monday, April 1, 2013
Some days nothing happens, others a firestorm hits. Today for some reason, I have been finding stories of generous giving, disastrous possibilities, love & honor, and calls for action against the crime and corruption taking over Belize. Maybe it will be the young generation of Belize who finally stands up and stops the madness after all.
Enjoy a laugh before you get started.
Enjoy a laugh before you get started.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
THE TIME HAS COME...........
Murder and McAfee, McAfee and Murder........that's what brought us to Belize. And while McAfee is no longer a person of interest, he will remain tied to the death of Greg Faull for the rest of his days. And sadly, Mr. Faull's family will forever remain (unjustly) frustrated by a system so antiquated and a police force so inept that not many (as we found out later) had any expectation of a resolution from the start.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
In November 2012, the eyes of the world were on Belize, all thanks to John McAfee. It started when JM was targeted by the GOB as a 'person of interest' in the murder of Greg Faull.
*****update....please read
Friday, March 15, 2013
Yesterday on whoismcafee I read a very sad comment, which again denoted the need to spread the word about crime, corruption and the dangers of visiting Belize.
And we need to 'say it loud'.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
GOOD RIDDANCE...........
The court of public opinion has been quite vocal about JM for a while...... the whole time we've been following www.whoismcafee.com for sure. And certainly after several articles did their best to make him look crazy and unbalanced, or a possible suspect of the Faull murder, we knew the hostile, often barbarous comments were inevitable. But before that?
Saturday, March 9, 2013
I sit here and wonder, how can something so new and uncharted feel so normal to me? Blogs are things other people do, I just read them. I'd never even commented on one....... ever, but that all changed one day in November. Not the day whoismcafee started, oh no, it took weeks before I made my first comment there, although I'm not sure why.
**updates added**
**updates added**
Thursday, March 7, 2013
New post from JM. Glad to see he's doing well, seems happy and is working towards his end game....a peaceful life with Sam & Amy.
***added content***
***added content***
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
ONE MORE......
Murder, poisoned dogs, Girls, guns, hedonism, Millionaire on the run, Corrupt Government, bath salts, prostitution, crime, body guards, GSU, GOB, extortion..... The list is large, the country is not.
Friday, March 1, 2013
And according to a comment from the new 'McAfee Blog News' we won't have to. holla....
The word is that John will be posting again soon, and the blog is sticking around.
Of course, it could be a troll, (anything's possible) but the name links back to whoismcafee, and I'm pretty sure that glitch of early December has long since been fixed, so I'm going to belize it. :) crank it up........... ヾ(-_- )ゞ
The word is that John will be posting again soon, and the blog is sticking around.
Of course, it could be a troll, (anything's possible) but the name links back to whoismcafee, and I'm pretty sure that glitch of early December has long since been fixed, so I'm going to belize it. :) crank it up........... ヾ(-_- )ゞ
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
This FB post, plus the links below, made me smile. Youth are the hope. Most adaptable to change, most likely to resist the status quo, and most eager for a better future.
ヽ(•‿•)ノ ヽ(•‿•)ノ ヽ(•‿•)ノ ヽ(•‿•)ノ ヽ(•‿•)ノ
ヽ(•‿•)ノ ヽ(•‿•)ノ ヽ(•‿•)ノ ヽ(•‿•)ノ ヽ(•‿•)ノ
So, anyone want to run wild with the speculation about just where JM has been? Many of us have made lots of excuses for how busy he was, the movie, the book, the time with Sam, the back and forth to Burbank, the interviews, the.......whew! it's exhausting just talking about it.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
GUEST POST by s.p.
As a regular contributor on whoismcafee, s.p. is one of few who are able to bring first hand knowledge to our discussion about the current state of Belize. After he posted this, I asked permission to post it here.
** Thank you s.p. **
** Thank you s.p. **
Monday, February 25, 2013
Imagine flying free, out in the open, but not necessarily too far above the ground (you gotta love that adrenaline rush)., and all you have to do to change directions is shift your weight? Sign me up. I am intrigued by the Sky Gypsys. I want to be one, I want to fly like an eagle.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
One week ago we were left on the edge of our seats (or the floor for some), dangling at a most precarious point in the continuing saga of John McAfee. Mary O'Hara had utilized one of the oldest tricks in the book......excite us with yet another twist in the tale, tease us with the mystery of the unknown, then abandon us, to speculate wildly, using all the clues she dropped. And wanting more.....she definitely left us wanting more......
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Thanks to fellow blogger B Alvarius, from http://theskygypsies.blogspot.com/ , I'm able to share this link for the Painted Pony Resort. What's the PPR?
Thursday, February 21, 2013
As we all wade through the enormous amount of articles relating to John and Belize, it gets hard to remember there was LBB ~ life before Belize. But there was, and an exciting life it was. When I see the video of the magnificent men in their flying machines, I can imagine how utterly fantastic their days were. Soaring over the earth, landing in places that haven't seen footprints in centuries ~ if ever, sleeping under the stars then waking up to do it all again..........
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Inside John's home.....
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Just a few links to Belize news. The stories continue to tell a tale of crime and corruption, and the comments acknowledge said corruption. Wonder why those people couldn't say these things on whoismcafee? You'll recognize a few of the authors.......
Did McAfee come back to the US just in the nick of time? Could he help the Government and big business avoid anymore disaster? Could he restore his name back to what it once was?
- Is a 67 year old man having sex with girls in their late teens, in tube tops,in Belize, acceptable (in your head)?
- Is it then acceptable that after a celestial marriage there's other 67 year old men with girls in their late teens, in prairie outfits in Colorado City?
Hello! We are happy you are here!
Hello "Everyone",
THANK YOU for coming, we welcome and encourage your participation.
THANK YOU for coming, we welcome and encourage your participation.
Someone on whoismcafee wanted to know the value of John's blog. This link will show you that, plus some other interesting data.
then enter whoismcafee.com for results
then enter whoismcafee.com for results
Monday, February 18, 2013
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